Recipe: Rettichsalat / Radish Salad

July 3, 2016 | Recipes

Rettichsalat / Radish Salad

2 dozen or so radishes, thinly sliced
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup sour cream
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 heaping tablespoon chopped green onions
Pepper to taste

Sprinkle radishes with salt and set aside. After ½ to 1 hour, drain liquid from radishes. Place radishes in glass serving dish. Stir together sour cream and vinegar. Pour over radishes; add green onions and pepper to taste. Tos and chill. Serve cold. Serves four.

This recipe comes from the cookbook Seasons of Plenty: Amana Communal Cooking and was posted with permission of author Emilie Hoppe. Learn more about the book and how to purchase it.

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