Recipe: Schmelzkartoffeln / Crumbled Potatoes

September 12, 2016 | Recipes

Our latest recipe requires only three ingredients!

Schmelzkartoffeln / Crumbled Potatoes

6 or 8 potatoes (red or white), cut in half lengthwise
2 tablespoons butter
½ cup dry bread crumbs

If potatoes are very large, cut into quarters. Boil until tender. Meanwhile melt butter in a small- or medium-sized skillet on medium heat. Toast bread crumbs until golden. Drain potatoes and place in serving dish. Top with bread crumbs; stir once so that potatoes are covered with crumbs and serve immediately.

Serves six.

This recipe comes from the cookbook Seasons of Plenty: Amana Communal Cooking and was posted with permission of author Emilie Hoppe. Learn more about the book and how to purchase it.

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