News & Updates

model a poster

  This Saturday is another great day to come to the Amana Colonies!  One activity going on is Throwback Saturday.  Over 80 vintage cars will line the street and you can take your time walking past and looking them over!  The owners will be close by and happy to talk about their car! Below are … Read more

Lily Lake

A stop at the Lily Lake is a MUST at this time of year!  It is absolutely a sight you won’t forget.  When you think ‘lake’ you think ‘water’.  Generally this is true, but at this time of year, ‘lake’ means ‘lilies as far as the eye can see’. Some history of this lake goes … Read more

Amana Festival fo the Arts poster

It is hard to believe that “summer” is almost over!  August is just around the corner and there will still be lots to see and do in the Amana Colonies!  Each of the 4 events listed is worth taking the time to come and enjoy!

Bike and Hike poster

While the weather in July is pretty steamy and can “encourage” us to stay inside, the next two weekends in the Amana Colonies have some fun outdoor activities to enjoy! Bike and Hike Weekend offers several opportunities for bike riding and also happening on July 15 is Millstream’s “Tour De Brew”. More information is available on their … Read more

white crib

Enjoy two days of antiques to browse through and find your favorites to purchase! I have shopped here several years and ALWAYS find something to bring home with me! 🙂 It’s Finally Here! Amana’s Firecracker 4th of July Antique Show is July 3rd & 4th. Early bird buying begins 8am – 12pm: Monday July 3rd … Read more

pink and yellow rose

Do you enjoy flowers and gardens?  If so, then the next event in the Amana Colonies is for you! Colonies in Bloom begins tomorrow – Saturday, June 24th.  This is the 3rd year for this event. It is not a huge event like Oktoberfest, but is a leisurely self-guided viewing of the gardens and yards … Read more


Help dad celebrate Father’s Day by coming to the Wurst Festival on the 17th!  OR just come and enjoy, you don’t have to have dad along!! 😉 Enjoy taste testing several different kinds of sausage, see if you agree with the judges in their choice of “The Best of the Wurst”.  Join “Wurst University” and … Read more

man serving ice cream and people sitting and eating ice cream

With summer comes our weekly homemade ice cream night!    Thursdays from June through August you can enjoy homemade ice cream either here at Zuber’s or at the Die Heimat                                      (we take turns hosting). The facts to … Read more

hosta plant

I have enjoyed this huge hosta plant that has been growing on the North side of our building.  But in the last two years it has grown so much it has begun to overtake the sidewalk and has been causing a little foundation problem.  I decided to move it to the yard just across the … Read more

Charlie installing door

With the change of the seasons, the “Spring To-Do” list plays an active part of daily life around the hotel.  Top of our list this season was to change out the front/North doors on the building.  A noticeable feature of the style of the 1860s hotel, the 3 white front doors have seen many seasons … Read more